Mask stack cover stacks?

Why does mask have a “drop stacks here” option?
Does it allow the mask to cover other stacks? Like a slideshow stack?

It doesn’t seem to be able to do that.

I couldn’t find anything about the stacks embedding option on the video or documentation.


You should re-watch the Mask tutorial video all the way through. It clearly shows the drop zone in the Mask stack being used. Watching that video should show you what the drop zone is for. Even the examples on the Documentation page show this drop zone in use. :+1:

Yes I watched it…you’re just masking off the image you drag and drop. You’re not masking off the paragraphs or the headers dropped as a stack, or a slider in my case… By mask I mean obstruct and hide. The stacks dropped in are in the foreground, the only thing that seems to hide is the image that is dragged and dropped into the image section of the mask stack.

Correct, as shown in the video.