Is this the correct behavior of breakpoints or did I something wrong?

Guys, when I manually adjust the website, right on the breakpoint logo looks big and nav bar going under the logo. But it looks like normal behavior of the breakpoints or did I something wrong?

Cause when I look on the devices there is no problem.

Please look at the video;

I don’t follow what you’re saying and unfortunately your URL does not seem to work.

This is a normal behavior. When you manually adjust the size of the browser, you will see when the breakpoints switch and navbar / logo shortly mismatch.

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@elixirgraphics Sorry I updated the link. But @Fuellemann enlightened me. It looks like the normal behavior of the breakpoints. Thanks, guys.

There is a slight issue when a window is precisely 767px wide. I’m not in the office, so I don’t know if it’s just a breakpoint rounding thing or if he has used the Stacks built-in show/hide settings for something.

Here is the my latest build. When you have time could you please look the files and tell me where I made a mistake. Thank you.

This was already answered by @Fuellemann above. Unless I am misunderstanding.

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It looks like this is one of those quirks where the window size of 767px falls right in-between the mobile and desktop breakpoints. It’s not a common screen size, so it’s unlikely to actually be an issue.

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