Go Back not going back to blog but to index page of the site

When you click ‘Read More’ on the blog entries it goes to the full post, all good. But when you click ‘Go Back’ it does not return to the blog page but goes to the main index page of the site. How can I fix this or what is the issue.

Hi there @pat

The Go Back link from the Full Entries goes back one folder level. This tells me something is setup oddly in your project. Can you do me a favor and send me two things:

  • A ZIP file containing your project file – this is the file you open in RapidWeaver to edit your site.
  • A link to the live site where your blog lives.

You can send the ZIP file to adam at elixirgraphics dot com

Hi Adam,

got around the issue by creation a button with the script to go back to previous page which did the trick.


Hey there again, @pat – If that is how you’d like to solve it, that is fine, but I suspect you’ve got something setup wrong, and I am willing to help out. Up to you.