Alloy 3 - blog title with a number at the beginning

I am testing Alloy 3 for the moment, and I found that if a blog title contains a number at the beginning, <title> is not created in the html.
For example <!-- Browser title --> test article with photo</title> where the blog title was 1 test article with photo.

Then, the blog title, without the first number (here 1), appears on the page above the banner in blog full entry.

If I begin the title by a space, it works as expected.

Good morning –

Can you send me a ZIP file containing the Markdown file of the blog post that is causing the problem please?

Never mind I think I tracked this down.


The Alloy update I just pushed out, v3.0.2, should address this corner case bug.

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Thank You. Problem solved with v.3.0.2.

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YAY! Knocking these little bug out! Glad it is sorted out.