Video Zoom for self hosted movies

Any chance a next version of Video Zoom will support self hosted movies ?
Some of my customer have private movies and they do not want to put them on YouTube or Vimeo.
I currently use Player from Stacks4stacks, great Stack but too complex for most of my needs, and it does not offer The Video zoom functionality.

Thanks for all your work

Self hosted movies are hurdle for most RapidWeaver users. The learning curve gets passed on to me when they do not know how to encode videos, which videos are required to be encoded, etc. I’ve seen this with the Cinema stack many times, and is one of the reasons I’ve opted for embedded videos for things like Video Zoom as the encoding, device selection, etc is all handled by YouTube or Vimeo. You can host private videos on these services and still have them appear on your site in embeds. For instance YouTube offers an Unlisted video type.

I would need an explicit consent from the visitors to use Vimeo or YouTube, even in private mode. This is way more troublesome than converting videos and place them in the resource. So I really do hope to see the self hosted option for all stacks with video content.

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I built this site with foundry. For the intro I used the Eclipse Video Stack from Joe.
In the next version (still in work) I’m using the Play Stack by doobox. For converting the Video I used Miro, which was recommended by Adam in one of his tutorial videos, I think.
The reason is, because the client does not want to have these youtube buttons.
Also build with Foundry. Here I used the Play Stack as well (at the very bottom). I got a handyvideo and converted this with Miro as well.

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