Using Form Pro well

Hello Adam & Cie,
tomorrow, I am giving the admission tests for the 1st year of the Digital Arts course and Covid-19 requires, I want to integrate a questionnaire into the AN123 site. Normally I give it live to students and in print. I will also have some special needs students. Second reason for doing it electronically. You can see screenshots of the form and the result in the received email.
My questions to Adam:
Do you think of adding other elements in the +? Being able to select all countries for example. Add a 3 columns? Or a grid? And can the visual received in my email be better or improved? I am not a form specialist. Null in code. Could I receive all these completed questionnaires by email to make a spreadsheet in Numbers? I wanted to do it with FormLoom 4 (which I bought) but too complex for me and FormSnap 3 is good too but still spending it is frustrating and expensive.

Capture d’écran 2020-09-13 à 16.09.35 Capture d’écran 2020-09-13 à 16.10.02 Capture d’écran 2020-09-13 à 16.10.55

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I’m not sure of everything you’re asking specifically or what I might be able to do for you. Where your questions relating to possible future features are concerned – I can look at other features for the stack in the future. If you’d like to email me specific feature requests I can keep them in mind for possible additions when I work on the stack next. That being said I have Alloy and Thunder in line for updates before I would be circling back to anything else. You can email your specific feature requests to adam at elixirgraphics dot com