Stack Foundry not displayed in Rapidweaver 8

Good evening, this week I installed rapidweaver 8 and today I bought “foundry stack” and it does not work, it is not displayed,

kind regards.


Okay, please watch the videos to see just how to get started. Foundry is a framework based on several elements within Rapidweaver that work together to build websites. Watch the videos to see how Adam demos how to get started.

Hey there @Alejandro!

Any chance you might have RapidWeaver 7 or earlier on your computer as well? If so that might be the issue. RW May have tried to install Foundry there instead.

Do this for me — take the Foundry stack and drag it right on to the RapidWeaver 8 icon in your dock. That will ensure it is installed in the correct version. Do the same with the theme, too.

That said, don’t forget that Foundry requires Stacks from YourHead Software to work: