Mega Modal problem

Hi, I have a problem with Mega Modal. When using Mega Modal in Accordion, Tabs or Vertical Tabs Mega Modal always flashes when switching items. The demo here and the source file here.

Hi there @beky02 – placing elements like a modal into an accordion is combining two things that both obscure or hide content on page load. You’re adding a layer or two of extra complexity by nesting those two types of stacks inside one another, as they’re both hiding content from view. I would use one or the other of the two types of stacks, but nesting them together isn’t going to work properly.

Thank you for the quick reply. Strangely, this problem does not occur with Modal (not Mega Modal) and Side Slide. These are similar to Mega Modal? Thank you for the info.

They all vary and work slightly differently. I can look at forcing Mega Modal to work with Accordion, but honestly I personally would pair them up myself. Being the weekend though I won’t get a chance to look at this until sometime next week.

You don’t have to do that. You have a lot of work to do. I wanted to use it on the gallery here where Side Slide is used, but it doesn’t support Trigger Image. He only has a button. Mega Modal Trigger Image supports. Thank you for your time and nice weekend. Beky