Google mobile-first indexing

Just thought I’d mention that I’ve received what was for me a first - a communication from Google.
And one to do with mobile indexing of all things.
Seems that without trying, without giving any consideration at all to mobile-first design (apart from perhaps playing around with Foundry Margins while building a desktop site virtually totally with Foundry/Potion Pack, I’ve earned an elephant stamp from Google. Or maybe it’s Adam who’s earned the elephant stamp.
Coincidentally, my client says she has had a surge in enquiry.


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Good point but you still have to check whether the site works on mobile and down to 320px wide. AFAIK Google don’t look for misaligned stuff, or text cut off, and probably detects the mobile stuff hidden from human view by visibility stacks, so it still needs careful checking.

I always consider the term mobile first to be a misleading one because the most common interpretation is that you start with a 320px wide screen and then make it work on larger screens.

Good frameworks like Bootstrap4 (which Foundry is based on) do a really good job of building mobile friendly sites.

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That’s good to hear @Phloque! And even better to hear your client has experienced an uptick in visits!